Friday 27 February 2009

Jumping problems? solved!

Emma and I finally went for a ride yesterday after many weeks. She bought along her camcorder in the hopes of getting some video of us jumping.

It was a beautiful day and the sun was out. We warmed the horses up by riding around three gates, where we had a lovely canter along the grassy stretch. Nell's canter was rolling and steady so I made the decision to work on turning at speed and kept her going around the corner. Normally she stops at the end of the stretch or breaks down into the trot, but yesterday she was feeling well and cornered with an elegance that would make a dressage horse jealous.

When we got to the woods I tried teaching her to stand to open the gate. It took a while to get close enough but eventually she got the idea that I wanted her to stand next to the fence while I reached across to the bolt. We got most of the way and decided to let Emma finish the job. After all, I could try opening it on the way out.

The big pond in Rocky's field drains off into a river which runs through the woods. The river had flooded leaving many of the trees at the bottom half of the woods standing in water - including the jumps. We walked the horses through the deep water - another one of Nell's dislikes then headed off in search of dry land.

We found a couple of nice easy jumps with a run up that wasn't too boggy and started jumping. Nell was wonderful and I finally figured why our jumping had sucked. I had been restricting her by becoming tense and keeping my reins short and in turn she was cat-leaping because she was struggling to get her head. So I relaxed and allowed her to do the work.

And we flew. No more cat leaping. No more falling behind the movement. My confidence has gone up and I am ready for next time.

Tralee was a poppet but not quite as bothered to be jumping as usual. He took it all in his stride and jumped every one but it may have been too easy for him. After all - a 15.2 Hunter who was used to 6ft hedges need not put much effort into 1ft logs.

On the way out Nell stood close to the gate and for the first time since we bought her; I opened it without getting off.

Two problems were solved yesterday and here's hoping my jumping goal might just become a reality!

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