Monday 12 December 2011

Diets and Hacking

I know I said I'd post pictures of Kel's first ride but my god, I hate how I look in them. It was a bit of a "come to jesus" moment and while I know it was not a flattering jumper, I still feel I looked fat in those photos. So for the past two weeks I've been on the no junk food diet and esentially cutting out all the rubbish to drop a few pounds. While I don't look it most of the time, on my heaviest days I weigh up to 11 stone 10. For my height (5ft 5"), I should really be about 10 and half stone maximum. After two weeks I weighed in at 11 stone 1 so it seems to be working. I'm excited by the prospect of seeing myself back in the 10 range and I already feel a bit better in myself.

Back on the topic of horses; Kel went for his first full hack around the roads on friday in company. He was quiet and rather well behaved although lost concentration near the end and was trying to bite Tralee and play with him. The following Saturday we upped the ante and took all four horses out. Kel was unfazed and very good up until a point where we came across a huge German Shepard in a field by the road. He stopped, thought about spinning, went forwards at a trot then partially bolted past before coming to a standstill when he realised none of the others were following. It wasn't naughtiness but genuine fear so I give him credit for stopping and going back to look afterwards. He's only in a little eggbutt snaffle at the moment and I managed to stop him in that so I'm hoping he won't need anything stronger.

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