Friday 27 February 2009

Jumping problems? solved!

Emma and I finally went for a ride yesterday after many weeks. She bought along her camcorder in the hopes of getting some video of us jumping.

It was a beautiful day and the sun was out. We warmed the horses up by riding around three gates, where we had a lovely canter along the grassy stretch. Nell's canter was rolling and steady so I made the decision to work on turning at speed and kept her going around the corner. Normally she stops at the end of the stretch or breaks down into the trot, but yesterday she was feeling well and cornered with an elegance that would make a dressage horse jealous.

When we got to the woods I tried teaching her to stand to open the gate. It took a while to get close enough but eventually she got the idea that I wanted her to stand next to the fence while I reached across to the bolt. We got most of the way and decided to let Emma finish the job. After all, I could try opening it on the way out.

The big pond in Rocky's field drains off into a river which runs through the woods. The river had flooded leaving many of the trees at the bottom half of the woods standing in water - including the jumps. We walked the horses through the deep water - another one of Nell's dislikes then headed off in search of dry land.

We found a couple of nice easy jumps with a run up that wasn't too boggy and started jumping. Nell was wonderful and I finally figured why our jumping had sucked. I had been restricting her by becoming tense and keeping my reins short and in turn she was cat-leaping because she was struggling to get her head. So I relaxed and allowed her to do the work.

And we flew. No more cat leaping. No more falling behind the movement. My confidence has gone up and I am ready for next time.

Tralee was a poppet but not quite as bothered to be jumping as usual. He took it all in his stride and jumped every one but it may have been too easy for him. After all - a 15.2 Hunter who was used to 6ft hedges need not put much effort into 1ft logs.

On the way out Nell stood close to the gate and for the first time since we bought her; I opened it without getting off.

Two problems were solved yesterday and here's hoping my jumping goal might just become a reality!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Serenity and Sunshine

Wonderful weather has blessed us the past week and I am certainly making the most of it. Emma is up in Wales with her boyfriend so it's just been me riding. In some ways I enjoy riding on my own. I don't have to make conversation unless I want to and then I can talk to Nell. I don't have to worry about other horses acting up. I can make my own decisions as to where I am going and how fast and last but not least, I don't have to trek around to meet anyone.

Yes. This week has been riding bliss. Not too hot - not too cold. In fact I've been able to go out without a fleece on! In february! When we get horrible, stormy summers and mild, rainless winters, no-one is going to tell me that's not global warming.

I will be nicking some pics off Jade and Lisa when I get back to college so expect a rundown of our ride. If I have any EMA money after Easter, I will consider buying a helmet cam. Then instead of pictures - which I always forget about - you can see movies! Yay!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Damn it!

I know I said I'd get some pictures but what dyu know; I forgot my camera! I will see if I can get some off Lisa and Jade who I know took a few snaps and then post them here.

Saturday 14 February 2009

To Jade...

On monday you will be at my mercy. You will be going on a gruelling 3 hour ride and your legs will be burning by the end of it. Your back will ache and your buttbones will have disintegrated. You will walk like John Wayne for the rest of the week. But I will look after you. I understand beginners and will not shout. Yes, Lisa told me all about that. Rocky will carry you safely and I will teach you. You may be nervous but relax... you're coming to enjoy yourself, not to be frightened so you never want to ride with me again. ;)

Oh and that's your steed for the day - Rocky. He is being ridden by my dad in that pic who is 5'8". Good luck getting back on if you fall off. ;D


I bought Nell a pack of liquourice the other day in the hopes of bribing her to be good. If she behaves and does what I ask her, I give her a piece. I will hopefully be using it to do some groundwork and with a little luck it will work. After all - you have to give a haflinger a reason to do something.

I'm sorry! No pictures yet again but I promise I will this week! I'm taking a couple of college mates riding so I will definately take the camera with me. Lisa, from what I have heard so far seems to be a good rider - probably about the same level or higher riding than I am. Jade is really a begginer. She says she can trot but I always expect the very least when people tell me about their ability. In other words, if you can just trot I believe you can bounce around the sandschool but most likely can't post. If you say you have cantered, I will believe that you have maybe learnt how to control a horse with basics and have had your few first short bouncy canters but not much balance. This means you set your expectations low and don't get dissapointed or frustrated. If they are better; Great!

We will be out and about on Monday as long as the weather holds out so expect pics either then or on tuesday.

Friday 6 February 2009

From white to brown

Well, the snow dissapeared by Wednesday and as we all know snow is just frozen water. So now we are wading through its remains in the form of knee deep mud and puddles. Thankfully the top field is still dry and most mornings the girls are up there.

In other news, Rocky's fieldmate, Dubai, has been sold so he was meant to have the mares move in with him. Unfortunately most of the mares owners did not like the field having a pond in it - referring to it as a marsh - despite the fact that it was dry and had GRASS. Oh well, their loss. Now Rocky has to eat all that grass to himself. He has company in opposite fields and isn't worried about being on his own anyway so its not our loss.

Tralee is fine. No real news to report on him other than all the boys are very very hungry. He is being bought in during the day and turned out at night while Rocky is in by night and out by day.

Overall their is not much to report as the weather is far too wet and cold to ride in. Perhaps we will get a break in the weather in the next few weeks but I don't hold out much luck.