Sunday 18 January 2009

Winter blues

The girls enjoyed their break away from the paddock and on arrival their was frost. It might be bad for feet and legs but hard ground meant no mud. Unfortunately we didn't get snow and the weather warmed up bringing with it the thawing of the mud. On top of that it's been raining so now we're back to wading through mush.

Nell doesn't seem particularly bothered but now she's started slipping her coat. She'll be in a summer coat by February the way it's coming out. Hopefully It'll get cold again and she'll hang on to it a bit longer. They've been naughty girls though. The past two days I've found them standing, bloated in the field. Why? They keep breaking into the haylage. Nell is smarter than we give her credit for and has been knocking all the posts down now she's realised the battery for the fence has run down.
Hopefully she'll get a shock tonight though. We got new batteries. ;)

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