Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes, it's finally 2009! I hope everyone has had a good 2008; I know I did! It's hard to believe I didn't like Nell when we first bought her. But time and patience and a whole summer of riding can do a lot for a relationship and finally on the 27th October 2008, Nell was my horse. A pony I could call my own. Last year was also a big year for me in that I turned 18. Not a huge deal, as I haven't really changed but it's a milestone in my life. And of course, I got a second chance. I went back to college. I won't bore you with the details only that A-levels were not the way forwards for me. Now on an Animal course at Duchy, and finally happy, I'm hoping that this year I'll be successful. Who knows what this year will bring? For the moment I'm not looking much further than the day term starts again.

As for new years resolutions, I'm going to grab every opportunity I can and get into jumping again. I used to be quite good at it; 4ft was the biggest I'd ever done, but after a scare whilst out hacking, the maximum I do now is about 2ft. My resolution is that by the end of this year I'll be jumping at least 3ft. I would like to say more but I'd rather achieve it and change it than fail miserably!
So what's your horsey new years resolution?

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