Thursday 23 October 2008

Horse Profile: Nell

Nell came to us in January 2008 in an awful state. Rode into the ground and fed little, she had no energy left to show personality. What was worse was that she had come from a knowledgable stables. It was the speed at which she recovered that really told us how neglected she had been. A horse who is hard to keep weight on will stay underweight for months at a time before recovering wheras Nell took only a few weeks. It was obvious that she was a good do-er who had just been run into the ground. 6 weeks into good feeding she started exhibiting more personality. She was headstrong and would walk well ahead of you and it was obvious she was getting bored standing in a field all day so we started to ride her slowly and gently.

A few months later and she was looking very well. We did notice that although still a bit ribby and roach backed, she was shaped very roundly. Our vet confirmed that in the past she had been a broodmare which is why she looks like she does and pees so often. We often joke about how she needs Tena lady!

Summer came and we moved her to Kestal Farm with the others. Lucy came along too and they spent the summer munching on long, lush grass in a field all to themselves. Her condition was fantastic by now; her coat was soft and shiny, her roach back disappeared and her personality really shone. She proved herself to be a wonderfully bombproof and fun ride, although exhibiting a stubborn streak which is well known in Haflingers.

This summer me, Emma and my sister took the horses to a show. Lucy was a veteran to showing, Tralee was a hunter so unfazed by large crowds and Nell was just Nell. It is possible that she was loved once upon a time and she too wore a blue ribbon but for me it felt like the first show. All around the in-hand ring she acted like a bitch, pulling me and standing on me but looking back at these photos, all I can think of is how beautiful she looked. She may have only won a 5th and 3rd but I think she looked wonderfully conditioned and clean.

Nell has a home for the rest of her life with me. We may not know about her past, whether she was ever loved or just used as a foal factory, but as for her future; she is secure and in a home where she will never go unloved.

A quick run down:

  • Name: Nell

  • Height: 14.2hh

  • Gender: Mare

  • Breed: Haflinger (x?)

  • Colour: Flaxen chestnut pangare

  • DOB: 1992
  • Strength: 4/5

  • Stamina: 4/5

  • Speed: 4/5

  • Riding Comfort: 4/5
  • Temperament: 3/5

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