Sunday 3 June 2012

Emotional Wreck

Nell gave me a big scare today. 8:00 in the morning and I get a phone call from Mum saying she's down in the field and won't get up. So I run down there (note: panic + running = not being able to breathe) and Emma Richards and Lauren are pulling up on their horses wondering what the problem is. They all rush over and get some ropes on her legs and try and pull her to her feet. I, in the meantime have burst into tears because Nell looked dead and I had visions of heart attacks or broken legs and am not much use other than running back for a headcollar. Turns out the silly mare had lain down in a dip in the field and got cast because her legs were uphill and her belly was stuck in the ditch. They rolled her all the way over and she finally got up. I had meant to go riding today but after that I just can't keep focused enough to ride Kel. She really did scare me today as she's never done something like this before. I don't know what I'll be like when she finally does go. She's fine now although we're keeping our eye out for any signs of colic given that she was down a long time and looking pretty exhausted afterwards. Tralee and Kel had been biting her to try and make her get up too. They all knew something was wrong. Horse keeping can truly be one of the scariest things in the world sometimes.

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