Monday 28 May 2012

Pre-show nerves... two weeks before?

It's over two weeks until the show and my gut is already doing somersaults. Best way to combat that? Groom. And groom. And groom some more. I might not even be doing a class and it's only a small show and yet I ca't help but be a little obsessed. Well, tbh, the aesthetics of my horses have always mattered a lot to me regardless of if they're going to be showing or not. A well groomed horse shows that the owner cares and if they look good on the outside, they're probably healthy on the inside. And now I'm rambling. Being tense seems to make me want to blog and write more. Anyway, here's a braided up Celtic Flame. It should help train his mane to lie on one side and grow out better. It is sort of a diamond braid but his hair is just so thick and I had to grab large amounts because he was impatient that its not really for style. His mane is also really short in one place. Oh well, function over form.

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