Saturday 23 May 2009

Show time!

Today was a beautiful day for a show although we very nearly missed our first class. There was some confusion as to whether the horses were meant to be ridden or in hand but as it turned out it could be either. ?:S

The same judge as last year was judging our ring. Typical. Just like last year, if you were standing in front in the row, you got placed first. If you were the last one in the row... you guessed it. Unfortunately Emma and I were at the back so Nell got 5th and Rocky got 6th. Rather unfair considering all the other competitors were riding their veterans.

The fancy dress was so much fun! Rocky and Emma as you can see were pirates, and I was a highwayman on my masked steed. I'm not sure what the judges problem was but I cam 4th out of 4 for that. I suspect she doesn't like haflingers, or if rumours are correct, chestnuts. She placed a little grey pony, who was an absolute mess in the family pony class higher than the palomino who was brilliant and went off on pefect leads. Rocky claimed a 2nd prize in the fancy dress though, so at least one of ours now has a ribbon in the top three.

The other two competitors was a "native american" and a little grey pony with such a jumble of stuff, I didn't know what it was meant to be... I personally thought Nell looked stunning and her behaviour was such an improvement from last year.

We did have a little trouble in the fancy dress ring when she was moved away from Rocky but backing up is certainly not the worst she could do. On the way out of the show grounds she decided Rocky should walk in front. I asked her nicely to walk on and as she continued to refuse after being nice to her, I gave her a good boot in the sides. She complained. With a large number of people and horses watching us, she threw a fit; her front feet coming up a short way then down, followed by a nice buck and then the front feet again. Broncing doesn't work on me anymore though. I know her too well, read the signs and know exactly how to ride them out. I asked her to walk forward again and reluctantly realised that going in front was far easier than having a tantrum.
Overall I have enjoyed myself today. Nell's behaviour was far more satisfying than any rossette and in my eyes she was the best horse in that ring. Rocky comes close, but I guess you're biased when they're your own. ;)

Friday 22 May 2009

First show of the year

Despite saying I was going to do more shows with Nell this year, I have currently found myself attending my first show... in May. The year is almost halfway through and finally, tomorrow, Emma and I are entering the horses in the pony club show down at Tregurtha. Both Rocky and Nell are going in the Veteran and Fancy dress classes so its going to be good fun. Emma and Rocky are going as cornish pirates and I am the highwayman on my masked horse!

I promise to get some pictures tomorrow as the horses (and us) are going to look so funny!

Saturday 16 May 2009

Not enough of the warm stuff

So the sun has been hiding this week. Its been on and off showers and today we had 50mph winds! woop de doo! So no riding again today. I did go and de-rug the mares and chuck them some food though so not feeling quite so bad as if I don't go up there. Dad took me up there on the new bike. VERY comfy, you hardly feel any bumps. On the way back however it pissed it down and the winds suddenly picked up. For a brief moment it felt like the wind would knock the bike sideways and even on the back I could feel it pushing the bike across the road. Thankfully when you are riding pillion, you can hide behind the rider and only get partially soaked :)

Another thing I am missing is jumping. Real jumping. Not just popping a log in the woods, I want to get over some poles. The other night I had a fantastic dream that Nell and I were hunting. as we got to the first 4ft jump (yeah I can really imagine Nell jumping that high), I was scared but Nell sailed over it and after that I jumped every one feeling confident. Liz and Emma were in it as well strangely.

When I woke up I felt like I could have jumped the moon. Now though that awesome feeling of dream immortality is fading an me thinks I need to re-assess the goal of 3ft I set myself at the start of the year. Perhaps just going to a competition this year would be a start. ;) If I get that far, I'll have a go at the 2ft. Then if I'm happy with that then I may try the slightly bigger jumps. We'll see. As it is, the next R.E.C event is on 21st June - the same day as the college open day which I MUST attend.

The one after is on the 12th July. Thats a possibilty. Before that however we are taking the horses to tregurtha show for the in hand veteran and a fancy dress comp. hee hee.
I have a few ideas cooking but I shant let you know until the day!

Friday 8 May 2009

A new Trail

Mum finally showed me the ride to Marazion beach today. It was quite chilly and very windy when we got there though. That and the fact Tralee was looking as though he was about to explode into a bucking fit meant we stayed to a trot at the fastest. Helen, Rocky's old owner also enjoyed herself so all in all a very nice ride.

Although we didn't get to have a good gallop, I now know how to get there and I'm sure Emma will love to get down there at some point this summer. :)

Monday 4 May 2009

Finally some photos! :) but none of the ride :3

Emma and I took Nell and the Rockstar for a beach ride yesterday and as you can see from the top photo, Nell and Tralee's friendship is blossoming!
It was the nicest day we had had for a while and although Mum couldn't come along it was still a nice ride. I had planned to get some photos but like last time, didn't check the tide times.

When we got there, there was only a small stretch of beach and it was already quite crowded with people. The tide was heading out but we decided that it was best we just spend a short time there and let the pedestrians have the beach.

The first canter resulted in a bucking fit from Nell. I think she was probably protesting about how hard I had kicked her. Rocky came along behind, doing something between a trot and a canter.

The second canter, Rocky was starting to feel excited and overtook Nell and I. There was a hair-raising moment where he almost didn't stop, but Emma pulled him into the sea.

We didn't stay long, as it was not in our interest to annoy the people sitting on the rocks and staying away from the horses. A few canters, a few trots and that was us done for the day.

On the way back, after the beach farm is the two fields I have mentioned in a previous post. The grass was much longer this time but the field is certainly not being used, so once again we used it as a canter spot.

This was only the second time we had used the field, but Rocky knew where we were. One minute Nell was cantering steadily in front, and the next Rocky had flown straight past us at the gallop. I had never seen that horse move so fast!

Emma and I were both surprised at how fast and fit the Rockstar had become over the past few weeks. By the time we got back he only had a bit of sweat under his saddle, girth and mane.

We didn't get any photos on the beach but I got a few nice ones of Nell to add to my album. Oh and look! Lucy isn't a yak anymore!

Friday 1 May 2009

Makeover Time!

Well, the day started sunny at least... but slowly got greyer and wetter. So Mum and I decided that the beach ride we had planned could wait, and istead we spent the morning prettying Nell and Lucy up. Tails, manes, legs and bottoms were all given a thorough clean and Lucy - after a good brushing - is actually looking half decent for a change. Nell allowed me to clean her udder; something she was very sensitive about not long back. It looks like its been a long time since it was last washed, if ever. She had sudocreme put on the area to get rid of the dry sore skin and her legs were washed with hibiscrub as she seems to be getting the same reaction she did last year where hair falls out and forms a few scabs. I am now certain it is something in the chicken field as that is where they were when it happened last year.

Overall, things have been quiet lately. Rocky is paid for now and officially ours, Tralee is his usual grumpy self, Lucy will hopefully be going home in June and Nell is doing what Nell does best. Eat, poop and occasionaly run around like a mad ass.