Saturday 27 September 2008

It is horse related...

Zahra is our puppy; a springer x Cocker spaniel. She's 3 months old at the moment, smart and incredibly loyal. We had always decided that when we got a dog it would be taught to follow the horses out on rides so yesterday was Zahra's first walk with me on horseback. It was a very short ride, no more than 10 mins and was literally up one lane and back down another. Nell had just had a shoe replaced so it needed bedding in but as I knew we wern't going out for long I hopped up on her bareback. It was halfway down the lane I realised I'd forgot my helmet as well, but knowing that if I turned back Nell wouldn't start off again, I left it at that and continued with Zahra behind. Nell was fresh, bouncy and impatient to get going. It's funny how different she is when shes out on her own.

Zahra was a little uncertain at first and at one point scarpered back towards the stables when a pair of dogs scared her. I waited for a moment then called and Zahra came streaking towards me, tail between her legs. She was terrified of the dogs but being so loyal she found the courage to go past them and we were off. She stayed close to Nell, who had no problems being followed by a pup and when we got to the road, I told her "wait", which she did willingly. She's very obedient. Perhaps I'll take her into obedience classes when she gets better at ignoring distractions. We came across a car on the road but I clicked to my left, telling Zahra "here" and she slipped behind Nell and walked next to us as the car passed by. We then headed down another lane which would bring us back to the Rescorla's yard. Zahra was well behaved in spite of Nell prancing a bit to get back, and we even tried a little trot up the drive.

Next time we will go a little further and further again after that until she gets the hang of staying to the side of the road. Next time though, Although I trust Nell, I will remember my helmet.

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