Saturday 4 June 2011

It's official...

Nell is barefoot. Tony came out last week and pulled her shoes as I've finally got enough money for a set of Cavallo simple boots. Not only will this save me money in the long run (good thing seeing my work hours have been docked), but it will hopefully stop her being so footsore over harder terrain. She'll be ridden barefoot when we do roadwork but off road will be made much more comfortable with her soles and frogs covered by the boots. She was fine immediately after the removal but incredibly footy the next day. I read that it may be due to an increase in circulation or the numbing effect from shoes wearing off. Other people have assured us its completely normal and within a few days she was feeling better and had her first ride in the field barefoot yesterday.
Tralee is getting a bit like an old man whose had too many beers. He's not fat as such, but he definately needs more muscle definition to stop his belly hanging. I've been riding him a lot lately as mum hasn't had the time. I am hoping that I can use him for a little jumping this summer now that the ringbone has near enough fused. We tested him over a single jump yesterday and changed it between a crosspole, parallel and fake ditch to see what needs working on. I havn't tried a spread or oxer yet because its been several months since he or I have jumped. I was a little nervous seeing as Nell was my usual jumping horse up until a few months back. Tralee is much narrower and there's a lot less to hang onto when he refuses or prats about. He was being a bit silly by cantering instead of trotting and trying to stop halfway over a jump (a bad habit his Loan rider got him into) but I was comfortable enough getting back on him. Like a favourite old seat that you'd forgotten about then sat on again on a whim.

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