Monday 11 October 2010

Winter is coming!

Yup, its that time of the year again when the wellies come out and the rugs are thrown on. We have had a mild October so far with some days reach 20 Celcius so the horses are fine in lightweights on wet days and growing hair on the cool dry ones.
We have started preparing the fields and stocking up on hay and got the waterproofing tested last week when we had a night of torrential rain. As it is, Nell will not be able to use her stable until the roofing is fixed - it was like a slushy straw pit after just one day. Thankfully we are swapping 10+ bags of horse crap for a roof repair from one of mum's gardener friends so that at least will be one less thing to worry about. The stable doors were an excellent investment and (with a little engine oil for bad taste) have withstood Nell's crib biting. The next thing on the list is to get the wooden stakes bedded in, insulators fitted and electric rope done so that the fields can be segmented without fear of Tralee breaking it all down when he's bored.

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