Thursday 12 August 2010

The UK wouldn't accept this, Why does the USA?

Now, I usually don't do posts like this but after watching several videos and reading many blog entries I feel I need to express something that disgusts me. The treatment of Tenessee Walking horses in padded shows. For those who don't know this is the TWH natural fith gait - the running walk. As you can see its a movement where the front and back legs on one side move together rather than the opposite front and back as in the trot. Video:

Even this foal exhibits the lovely gait at just a few days old.

And this is the monstrosity that the USA have turned these horses into.
That stupidly exaggerated foreleg movement, tail set, sunken hocks and pained expression are all results of sticking huge weighted pads on these horses hooves, shoving great long shank bits in their mouths, setting their tail bones into a tight loop and putting chemicals on the legs that burn the horses to make them lift those forelegs up, up, up! Video: ....Seriously, I don't know any respectable people who break horses at 2yrs, let alone bend them into such freakish shapes. And if you need yet more proof that these horses are indeed abused to make them do that here you go!
That horse is just screaming pain. And yet no one seems to be paying attention or caring for that matter. If I saw a horse standing like that I'd assume its pedal bones had dropped and it needed euthanising. What I want to know America, is why you have allowed this to go on and accept it - even give prizes for it? The cruelest sport you see here in the UK is fox hunting and thats even been banned now so what makes your country so special that you can blatently abuse horses in plain view? Seriously, this crap is what makes every Brit think you are all a buch of inbred fucktards. Now, I have met a couple of very nice americans but after all, they are the ones who came over here because they couldn't stand the crap you guys pull over there. And as for the Humane Societies involved, they are all a bunch of cowards. They have powers many people can only dream of and they have done nothing to stamp out something the the horse world has been crying out to see abolished. Flat shod horses rule. Padded horses should never have come into existance and the longer it has been left the bigger those shoes are and the more acceptable abusing those horses has become. If I took a horse to a show looking like that, I would be savaged by angry horse lovers. Perhaps that is the difference here. People in the UK who have horses actually LOVE them. I guess horses in the USA are just a business (which might I add, isn't going exactly swimingly either considering the prices their horses sell for at auction). For those who see eye to eye with me, their are several blogs who are highly informative on subjects like this. I warn you now that most are blunt and straight to the point and unless you agree with the writer, keep comments to yourself unless you like being torn apart or looking for a fight. Please take a good look at the wider world around you. We have a voice and we can use it. I hope to see the end of padded horses during my lifetime.


dragonnaga said...

im from the usa(wish i wasnt). it tears me up to see horses like this . even in my city rodeo i see abuse done to these magnificient creatures. but sadly its like you said its all about the money. sadly along with that they tainted dressage with rolkur, sacraficing junk mare's foals for horse racing. they just keep finding ways on how to torture horses. and when these show horses are done there kicked into the line of slaughter houses. many people here dont see it because they have their heads up thier asses in whats the next fashion, what celebrities got busted for what, lowering fundings on schools, police,firefighters,to save money for another pointless thing. in my town they did this to pave a street thats useless. i want to scream to the dumbass of a mayor that instead of that you can shut down the rodeo to stop the abuse of the horses and save money for the town that way (poor horses how they yank at thier bits, kick thier heels on the horses ribs and whip them like crazy just for "entertainment"). i try to raise awarness in my school but sadly they prefer to text about the latest "omg she did what". i hate how blind alot of people are around here.

Embodied Spirit said...

Thanks for commenting. Many in the horse world are blind to abuse that goes on because it has been allowed to become the norm. I trully suggest a visit to Fugly Blog to discuss such issues with hundreds of likeminded people. It can help stop you feeling so alone with your views. There are good people out there, you just have to look.

Anonymous said...

I agree that soring is horrible! I love the breed but not when you make them gait unnaturaly! I have ridden them before and I love the gait. But if we can ban the shows, the TWH will have a hopefully brighter future. Im from the US and I hate padded shows!

Anonymous said...

I am from the US and I hate to see thesewonderful horses in sich bad treat,ent! I know a TWH mare that gaits just fine without drugs! I love the breed but why make them gait so unnaturaly that it hurts? I eatched a video and it looks sooo painful! I tried micking the gait like in the video and it is not comfortable(plus I only have 2 legs not 4). But, I heard that people are trying to ban the shows and soring all together. So cross your fingers.that in the near future that these shpws will no longer exist and there woll be no more soring! The tennessee walkeris truly a amazing breed when treated correctly. PLEASE HELP STOP THIS CRUELTY!