Thursday 26 November 2009

Work it!

Well, the horses have settled nicely and they are starting to be ridden separately again after their initial few weeks of insecurity. Nell has so far been left alone in the stable while the boys go out and ridden on her own. She threw some tremendous tantrums but the ride was highly enjoyable. I do love riding her when she's fired up. She's all speed and power and fury but still remembers that I'm on top of her. God I love her.

Tralee went out by himself as well resulting in a similar scenario. He's like a lit firework when he's in that sort of mood and you suddenly remember that he was a full time hunter only 2 1/2 years ago. Steve Otty (our vet) confirmed what we had been noticing a while now: the ringbone is bigger. So the old lad has been put on a sachet of bute per day just for winter while the ground is hard and the weather cold.

Rocky couldn't give a crap. He's just too chilled for his own good sometimes.

So the nearest thing on our agenda now is getting the horses fit and ready for hunting this year. Tralee's fitness is excellent, Nell's is good and Rocky's is somewhat below average so Nell needs some fast paced rides to tune up and Rocky needs more schooling to develop the correct muscles and longer rides at a quicker pace.

Jumping is going well and Nell and Tralee have really enjoyed themselves. We have to wait now for the field to dry out a bit before we can do some more but we are at least hoping to make some more jumps and make the existing ones bigger.

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