Sunday 30 August 2009

The end of an era

Lucy was put to sleep on Wednesday, the day after her 29th birthday. She had come down with mild laminitis a week or so before that suddenly became very much worse. She was put down at her home with her owners around her and had recieved many welcome visitors the day before to say goodbye. Everyone who knew her well was alerted and most pitched up that afternoon with the exception of myself and Sian, who both for the same reason didn't wish to remember her in that way. Lucy's death marks the end of something in everyone's lives and she will be sorely missed by us all. In some ways we think that if we still had her she may not have become ill. In others, we are glad she was at home rather than with us when it happened. In the end it turned out Lucy had Cushings, something we had suspected when her curly winter coat took a long time to shed. She went downhill so suddenly it was a big shock to everyone but with Gemma returning to Uni in only a few weeks and the fact she was an old pony with Cushings; putting her to sleep before it got worse was the kindest thing to do. Lucy was a remarkable little pony who taught so many children to ride that she will never really be gone as long as people remember her.

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