Saturday 27 December 2008

What did you get for christmas?

Well I got everything I wanted minus the breyer. ;) a bridle that is absolutely gorgeous on Nell, a middleweight turnout rug, tote bag for all my brushes, tack box cover and saddlepad. All in purple of course! I'm most pleased with the rug and bridle. The rug seems slightly lighter weight than her turqouise one but she looked comfy under it.

The most amazing thing happened today... The sun came out! The wind was chilling but it was actually dry for a change so I took Nell out in all her purple gear. Saddlepad, bridle, reins, my jumper, chaps and boots; all purple. It took me about an hour though just to sort the bridle due to Nell's strange head shape. Lengthening the noseband made the bit drop in her mouth, then the throat strap was too small so I took the halter conversion strap off and finally by the time it was sorted she barged me out the door and I had to do a flying mount off the block as she trotted off!

Other than that it was a good ride. It was rather on the quick side but enjoyable nonetheless. I will get some piccies of her all tacked up in her purple stuff for my next entry.

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Happy holidays!

I'm probably not going to be blogging now until the new year so to anyone who reads this and I havn't as yet wished a Merry christmas: Have a good one! And don't forget your ponies on christmas day, You'll be glad to get out to see them after your roast dinner, even if they don't apprieciate your efforts!

Also I've just finished the letter to the westfalen registry but I don't expect they'll be happy to recieve it so close to christmas so we'll post it after the hols. Keep an eye out; who knows we might just get lucky.

Until then


Wednesday 17 December 2008

Quick Update

Just a quick update as I havn't really had time to blog much. College coursework has been creeping up on me and the weather hasn't exactly been good enough to ride in.

Liz, Emma and I were meant to have gone on a fancy dress tinsel ride. This involves meeting up for the fancy dress competition and then following a trail of tinsel with the closest riders to the optimum time winning. Of course that morning I woke up to grey clouds and lashing rain so that put the dampers on our plans. It is supposed to be held after christmas instead now so keep an eye out for christmas pics soon!

In other news, Nell and Lucy are moving down to Kestel for christmas to give the field a rest. They are practically mud surfing on a dry day and swimming on a wet day and with the iminent threat of mud fever growing we decided that something needed to break. It will also mean we don't have to feed haylage, only have to go up once a day and the girls get to taste sweet, sweet grass.

I asked for stuff for Nell this christmas instead of the usual Breyer. I'll miss not having another model on my shelf but her needs are much greater. So I was poking them the other day. My predictions are: Either a new rug or a neck rug, the purple web bridle I've been dying for, a purple saddle pad and either the purple adjustable helmet I was after or purple stirrup irons; although the box looks a little big for that.
Can you guess I like purple? ;)

Wednesday 3 December 2008

A draft of the letter to Westphalian Registry

To whom it may concern,

We are looking for some information on a Haflinger mare we purchased last January. We noticed in the spring that she had a Westfahlen brand on her quarters and wondered whether you can help us identify her. We are not completely sure of her age because of her lack of history but she is roughly 16 which would make her birth year 1992. The number under her brand is 99. Could you please check for mares with this brand number and similar markings. You may have to search for mares of a different year due to the uncertainty of her age. We have enclosed a copy of her passport and a photo of her brand. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Gaenor Jehu

So what do you think? Anything to add? Anything to take out?
Any pointers on letter layout and writing would be much appreciated.