Tuesday 11 October 2011

Kel is doing very well and has settled quickly. In the course of three weeks he:

  • No longer wears a halter in the field

  • Comes to be caught in the field

  • Catches and leads much better

  • Has been groomed all over

  • Lifts all four feet

  • Has been bitted and bridled

  • Has had a bath (very scared of water currently)

  • Has been stabled for the first time

  • Has been rugged for the first time

  • Ties

  • Has seen the farrier and been wormed

  • Has had tetanus shots and microchipping

  • Has been lunged

  • Has been taken for a mile long walk in hand

  • Has had a bareback pad put on and the girth done up

He is brave, genuine and smart and I predict he will be ready to back by November. He's still a bit fussy with his head and likes to chuck it all over the place but he is getting there. He has also been in the field with Nell who flirted something terrible. He was glad of the company although he was a bit confused by Nell's behaviour. We've decided to keep the groups separated to avoid any injuries and unneccesary vet bills which may eat into my profit. He is kept right next to them and stabled with them and we are also fine with he and Nell going in together when Tralee is not around.