Saturday 16 January 2010

So much to write... So little time!

So my internet connection has been down and of course I've also been on christmas holiday so haven't had access to a computer. As it is I'm hurriedly typing this on my Dad's computer before he gets back...

Anyway. Emma and I took Nell and Tralee on the tinsel ride where they were totally chilled until all the other horses started leaving the arena in their groups. We left at a trot and ended up prancing almost all the way around the ride. We caught up with the group in front of us and stayed pretty close behind all the way back to Laura Janes. We suspected we had completed it a bit too quickly when we only got a "Special" consolation rossette. I'm not complaining too much; it was a fun day and I got a purple rossette. :)

Before the onset of snow, we went on the mock hunt - more or less a very fast ride with lots of horses and no hounds. Tralee was kicking out and trying to back up into people at the meet in the barn while Rocky and Nell stood quietly, occasionally pulling at the hay nets tregurtha had strung up. For most of the ride Tralee pranced, Rocky rushed around with his head in the air and running ponies over while Nell positioned herself at the back of the pack behind Tralee and stayed there all the way. The rein was long and she responded gently to everything. We turned back a bit early as Nell was showing signs of getting sore and Rocky was starting to stumble. A pasty at he end of it all was the icing on the cake.

Then of course we had snow! And lots of it at that. It has only just recently dissapeared witht the downpour of rain and I finally made it out on a ride today. Nell was absolutely full of it and we trotted most of the way around.

We also had an incident this week where someone entered the stables during the night. The had obviously been in with Rocky as his kick bar was up and the clip removed and had also been in with Tralee. To make things worse they had left Tralee's chain off so he got into the tie up area and didn't bolt the tie area door. Thankfully they put the rope over and Tralee didn't try to fiddle with it but I just cannot believe someone would be that disrespectful to enter our private property and tamper with animals that don't belong to them. It was most likely some silly kid who thought they were a horse whisperer but knows jack s**t about horses, but we worry it could have been someone who intended to hurt them. We are putting some signs up in the hopes that they will be smart enough to take the dvice and if not then we will have to take further action... Here's hoping its a once only time and either Tralee or Nell left a mark of warning on them.